Down The Memory Lane…..

Down the memory lane I see myself as an infant in my father’s arms with twinkling eyes and open palms. My giggles filling the room and my dad laughing throwing his head back , my mother is admiring us.

And then I am 8 months old, holding on to my dad’s finger stumbling, trying to walk. My mom is kneeling down just few steps away with open arms. And then slowly my father release my hand from his protective grip. I walk slowly balancing myself, as soon as I reach near my mom I run into her embrace. And there I took my first step.

11 years old. Its my first day of secondary school. I was carrying the heaviest weight on my back. Hope to make memories which would last lifetime. My parents standing beside me with teary eyes. They said they never realised how I grew this big…..

Now I am 17 years old. Carefree teenager my friend call me. I have opinions of my own but I can’t take decisions on my own. I am burdened with dogmas of society. I made memories to cherish, people who care for me. My parents are sitting beside me, together we are going through the album and walking DOWN THE MEMORY LANE….

Author: diksha027

I am a student and presently living in Mumbai. I love to dance and sketch. Currently very confused about what to with my life.

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