India deals with one of the largest number of rape cases, where people very conveniently pass the blame over the victim and her clothing. Once in a while the human within us awakens and this leads to candle marches to achieve justice.

Where was this humanity when they were asking for our help, what did we do? We pass the most pitiful look we can and walked away, WE IGNORED. Where was this humanity when they layed lifeless on the rodes, fighting for their lives, waiting for someone to come and take them to the hospital? WE IGNORED. Where was this humanity when these sick people passed insensitive comments and do the PLEASURABLE DEEDS? Again WE IGNORED. We knew they were wrong, we passed comments but never did anything aganist it.

We are happy in our small world keeping our girls safe by keeping curfew and asking them to fit into the norms of the society.

Its high time that we raise our voice, to tell them what we do is not wrong but the wrong is what they take it to be. That we live for ourselves,  not to be guarded but to fly free and independent. THAT IT IS NOT ME BUT THEM.

Author: diksha027

I am a student and presently living in Mumbai. I love to dance and sketch. Currently very confused about what to with my life.

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