NO ONE KILLED JESSICA was a case which has left the citizens in delimma that whether the law is rigid as it has the capability to put one with money and power behind bars or is it the public which made the court question its decision and provide justice.

For me the film proved out to be a must watch as it is a perfect blend of entertainment and reality check. It shows how a man with ‘POWER IN HIS HAND AND GUN IN HIS POCKET’ cosiders themselves superior and above law. It also depicts mindset of certain people who to proove the point correct are even capable of questioning a womens character. It shows a society who talks of giving men and women equal status ,but on the other hand if she drinks ,goes out with male friends, wears short dresses and returns home late is considered characterless. It also gives us an insight into the world of journalism. It also gives us a reason to believe in the judiciary system that no matter what, how many difficulties you face or how much ever hard the path towards justice is IT IS ACHIEVED AT THE END .

This is one such case which united whole population to achieve a common goal of providing justice to a girl named Jessica whom most of them didnt even know and who was supposedly killed by no one.

Author: diksha027

I am a student and presently living in Mumbai. I love to dance and sketch. Currently very confused about what to with my life.

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